Walking to avoid premature death A study reveals how many steps you need daily

Walking to avoid premature death A study reveals how many steps you need daily.

A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine shows that 22 minutes of moderate activity, such as fast or even slow walking, can be enough to offset the negative health effects of sitting long and reduce the risk of death that comes from a lazy lifestyle.

Walking to avoid premature death A study reveals how many steps you need daily.
Walking to avoid premature death A study reveals how many steps you need daily.

According to Al-Hurra, the study examined data from 11,989 people over 50 years of age from Norway, Sweden, and the United States, half of whom were women, who wore devices to track their physical activities.

Lazy lifestyle risks

Lazy lifestyles are among the leading causes of ill health worldwide. Studies indicate that people who sit for long periods of time watching television or working on a computer are more likely to die early, according to the Guardian.

 It's enough for 21 minutes to walk a day.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States recommend only 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. That's just over 21 minutes a day.

Walking is an easy way to exercise with moderate intensity, and research shows how useful it is to walk, such as for reducing the risk of diabetes or improving a person's mental health.

 Walking more quickly is a benefit

Another international study by researchers from Iowa State University of America, Radboard University Medical Center in the Netherlands, and the universities of Granada and Castilla La Mancha in Spain found that walking 8 thousands of steps a day reduces the risk of premature death.

The study, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, showed that positive results emerged when people completed 7 thousands of steps; Noting that walking quickly, it's more beneficial for health than walking slowly.

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