Diabetes Addiction 5 Ways to Stop Consuming "Poison"

Diabetes Addiction 5 Ways to Stop Consuming "Poison"

Many people may become "captive" to the taste of sweet sugars, which is equivalent to "addiction. Here are some quick and easy tips to help you stop this bad habit.

Similar to alcohol, sugars need to be consumed with restraint and self-control. According to the website of the German magazine Focus, consuming too many sweets can cause nausea, digestive issues, headaches, fatigue, and changes in the appearance of the skin.

Diabetes Addiction 5 Ways to Stop Consuming "Poison"
Diabetes Addiction 5 Ways to Stop Consuming "Poison"

WHO recommends that free sugar in a person's daily calories should not exceed ten percent. If you eat 2000 calories a day, that's the equivalent of 50 grams of sugar - roughly the equivalent of about two cups of orange juice.

Here are some tips that might help remove sugar "poison" from your body quickly:

1.Hot lemon

Mixing a lemon juice with a warm glass of water encourages bile production, which in turn helps stimulate fat burning.

2.Stay away from dairy products

Digesting milk, yogurt, cream and cheese isn't as easy on the body as sugar. Hence, it is preferable to avoid eating them on the same day with sugar, so as not to exhaust the body.

3.Cold bathroom

Washing the head underneath with cold water not only refreshes the body, it actually helps stimulate metabolism which in turn improves digestion and rapid detox by knocking it out of the body.

4.Beware of salt!

Opposites attract, as does sugar and salt, when eating salty food, you feel like eating something sweet. And in order to avoid sugar cravings, it's important to stay away from salt intake.

5.No to sport in this case

Don't burden your drunk body with rough exercise, let it rest and you can just walk.

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